Tuesday, January 15, 2008

hello 2008

times sure flies...
before we know it..blink blink is 2008!
so hello 2008, farewell to 2007.
is time again to review last year, and plan ahead for the new year.

#01 career: on a mission of bringin value to more people.educatin people about their well-being as well as helpin them to manage their weight too. be it losin that extra kgs or gaining or even just maintaining and have a good health. as for me i got healthier.got rid of all my pain killers and medications for my severe gastric,migraine and my skin allergy,excema.of course i successfully shed of those extra kilos and shaped up. that was one of the goals in 2007.accomplished!

#02 managin my finances..has for sure improved as i barely use my best friends visa and master.minimise my expenditure.spendin within means.reduce my whole "shopaholic" habit totally. for 2008, expecting to CLEAR OFF all my debts, have some money parked aside.

#03 remember my previous post http://deusvenia.blogspot.com/2007/01/welcome-2007-bon-voyage-2006.html, love found a way into my heart in Q1 2007. and still sweptin my feet off the ground.still in cloud nine...still learning to cope , sharin my life with someone. accepting all my imperfections.

xmas 2007

#04 had a new hairdo too this year 2008! what a coincidence! yea decided gonna give a shot to leave my hair long..so when on to straighten it.and had it a lil snip. did the copper color highlightin' too. will try to take a snapshot on it and post it up.

#05 to spend more time this year than 2007 in strengthen relationship bonds-families,friends..all the loved ones.

#06 trips / vacations (targeted to have at least 3)

april : diving trip with merv,rob,grace,yean and some other people

july: bangkok (S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G)

december: family holiday with parents

#07 scouts and plan ahead for my further education. business school. (goal : Wharton Biz School)

#08 to be more involved with my lil baby "sharin heart,sharin hopes". to do more for the kids this year with at least 3 big projects to raise funds and be with the kids!

is gonna be a great year!

~you must take personal responsibility.you cannot change the circumstances,the seasons,or the wind,but you can change yourself!~DREAM IT,DO IT