Sunday, November 12, 2006


Living testimony of friendship
by joanne @ shookie

~A life without friends is like death without a witness~

A tribute to all my friends whom has walk the path with me, lifted my spirit when it was at its lowest, unlimited supply of encouragement,love,trust,patience,hope..thank you for walkin that extra miles with me despites the sun nor storms....

Friends are part of God’s great plan
Created in a way to brighten up our lives
Having a true friend is like finding treasures of heaven, for keep sake
Friends are like angles
Lift us up when our wings are broken
Hear us out when we are sad and despair
Laugh with us although our jokes aint funny
Believe in us before we believe in ourselves

A true friend see us the way we are and not what we ought to be
We can just be ourselves, no mask wore, no pretentious acts

Friends spark our lives with wonders
Creating miracles and inspires us to be greater than who we think we are
Without friends, we will not be who we are
Friends shapes us-to give, to share and to learn
All these cannot be taught by books or in classrooms

It is a lesson to be experienced
Truly unforgettable experiences, journeys to be savored and cherished!

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